
Fallout 3 megaton leaks
Fallout 3 megaton leaks

fallout 3 megaton leaks fallout 3 megaton leaks

So, with details thin on the ground, we’ve decided to put your mind at ease with a collection of reasons why we think Starfield probably won’t be Fallout in space. Much in the same way that you can very much feel the DNA of Fallout 3 in Skyrim, many are wondering if Starfield is poised to be little more than Fallout in space. However, for those who’ve grown tired of the Bethesda formula, there’s been a lingering worry since the reveal that Starfield won’t be the revolutionary new step in the history of the legendary studio that they’re promising. And while its Novemlaunch was almost 18 months away, the newly released teaser trailer, giving us the first look at the world of Starfield, only further stoked the excitement of fans. Starfield, the next big RPG from Bethesda Game Studios, had a release date.

fallout 3 megaton leaks

After years of anticipation, speculation, and a few leaks, at E3 2021, Xbox and Bethesda finally confirmed what gamers around the world had been waiting to hear.

Fallout 3 megaton leaks